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This is an experiment that gave me a really positive feedback!

It is so creamy and delicate, everyone loved it!

The lasagna is composed by layers of pasta sheets, pumpkin puree (not the canned one!), white ragù, light besciamelle sauce and mozzarella cheese (shredded one works well).

You really have to try it!



· 500 gr Pumpkin

· fresh Rosemary

· Salt

· Pepper

· half Onion


Put all the ingredients on the baking pan you'll bake the lasagna on and bake in the oven 350F/180C for about 40-50 min.

Move it to a bowl and make a puree of it, adding 3-4 tablespoons of water if necessary.



· 1/2 lb ground Pork

· 1/2 lb ground Turkey

· 2 Garlic cloves

· Salt

· Pepper · Rosemary

· Olive oil


On hot oil, put the garlic cloves for 1 min and then add the meat and spices. Stir until cooked.



· 40 gr light Butter

· 60 gr Flour

· Salt

· Pepper

· Nutmeg


Melt the butter in a pot while you hit up the milk in another pan (low heat). When the butter is melted, add the flour and wisk, then add the milk a little at a time to incorporate it. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg. Keep stiring until it boils.

On the pan you baked the pumpkin, spread a very little besciamella sauce and start with a layer of pasta sheet, followed by pumpkin puree, meat, mozzarella and besciamelle sauce. Be generous! Then repeat the layers. The last layer would be pasta sheet, besciamelle sauce and a lot of mozzarella. The pan has not to be completely full because once it bakes it would rise a bit.

Note that the pasta doesn't have salt so besciamelle, white ragú and pumpkin will all have to be a little over salty (not to much).

It is very difficult to find a right balance of sapidity and moisture, sometimes you just guess and get better with experience.

It will be DELICIOUS.


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