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Simple yet delicious wors stew

Simple yet delicious wors stew

Simple yet delicious wors stew Recipe as promised 

Serves: 4 people.

Cooking time: 20-25 min

Prep time : 10min max



1/2 Onions chopped

1 chopped tomato

A few fresh curry leaves (about 6-10 medium)

1 tbsp curry powder

1/2 tbsp oregano

1 tbsp tomato paste

1 tbsp vegetable oil/olive

1.5 tbsp sweet chilli sauce

1 large potato-chopped into medium small pieces (and medium cooked through boiling)

2 medium carrots-chopped

500 g Wors pieces: if you can buy good quality wors (will share the brand I used in my stories for those intrerested - it's so good)


Important note: I'd recommend you use a pot or pan with more depth than the one I used here-it just makes things easier-you will understand why.

1. Put your stove on medium high and bring your pan to the stove.

2. Add vegetable/olive oil to the pan and let it heat up a bit - medium hot should be fine.

3. Add your chopped onions, peppers and carrots to the pan and start cooking... Continue till your onions are translucent. (+/_1min)

4. Then add in your chopped wors pieces. Begin - -Sautéing (basically 'fry cooking' - the idea is to try and brown the pieces a bit (don't not worry if they aren't getting browned) - basically for a few minutes, 4-6min

5. Now add your species (ground curry, curry leaves, oregano), salt (according to your preference-I usually add 1/2 tsp when cooking wors because it's wors is salty) , tomato and tomato paste. Continue to stir and 'fry cook' for a few minutes (1-2 min). Ensure your veggies and spices aren't burning. Add a bit of water if that happens or consider reducing heat if it's too high.

6.  Reduce your heat to medium-Then add in your remaining veggies & sweet chili sauc.  Continue to 'fry cook' the mix  - covering in between to let the steam help cook and help with flavours.

7. After 5-10 minutes there should be a bit of stew soup from tomato juice and the steam. At this point your wors stew should be ready and well seasoned.

You can now add some water (-/+150ml) depending on how much soup you want.

Cover and let it simmer for a few more minutes or until the soup has thickened.




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