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Breakfast options were very limited growing up. So a lot of times we had to 'homemake' a lot of stuff because it made sense financially.

Below is a relatively easy and affordable recipe that uses some of the main ingredients we always made sure we had at all times : flour, salt, sugar. We didn't always have margerine or milk but we always tried to get some for baking purposes- if we couldn't then we baked other substitutes that didn't require milk or butter [will share these too]

Dikuku / Buiscuits

Serve: 8-10 people 


Cake Flour 5 cups

2/3 cup sugar (you can always use less)

1 tsp salt

2 tsp Baking Powder

300g Normal /baking Margerine (soft)

200-225ml Amasi cream /normal milk

1 tsp Vanilla essence (Optional) 


1. In a bowl - add all your dry ingredients : flour, baking powder, salt and sugar- add margerine and mix properly till your dry ingredients are completely mixed with margerine. (swipe to see images)

Add vanilla essence to your cream/milk.

Gradually and slowly add your cream to the dry mix-mix slowly to create a well mixed medium - hard batter (swipe to see) | Divide into manageable batter pieces.

2.  Create a rounded batter - then roll it flat ( +/- 2cm thick depending on how thick you want your buiscuits to be) |

3. Now cut your Buiscuits shape out using your baking shapers or glass etc.

4. In a greased baking tray (optional: you can use baking paper if you have) lay your cut-out batter ensuring there's enough spacing between.

5. Bake in a preheated oven (180°C) for 15 - 20 minutes.

6. Remove from heat. Let them cool and serve with nice hot tea.

We used to enjoy this in the morning or for lunch or for snacking in betweens.

Best thing about these is that they lasted for days.


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